La femme 100 têtes was the first collage novel. The title itself is a collage of meanings: "The woman a hundred heads" as well as "the headless woman" -- and there are more possibilities than "100 têtes" -- "sans tête," "s'entête" or "sang tête." Nine chapters tell the story of a woman who is believed by some to be Mary (the virgin, that is). Her name is Wirrwarr, Perturbation and Germinal ("my sister," camping out alone between phantoms and ants).
Though I still need to get my hands on the book these illustrations stand alone so well: translated this page ("la meme pour le deuxiame") means "the same one for the second," and I love the drama of the raised hand and the headless, floating body that appears to them. Is all this french pretentious? I just like the illustrations....
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Wow alex that's a beautiful piece.
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