Friday, March 26, 2010

The Reader Anthology

The Reader, a Brooklyn Writers Space Reading Series Anthology is available now.

THE READER is a 411 page collection of voices and characters including gangsters, painters, weirdos, sad sacks, wanderers, musicians, activists, sexual healers, angels, stoners, hammer-wielding madmen, separated twins, and glenn gould that represent the 2007/2008 Brooklyn Writers Space Reading Series. THE READER includes novel excerpts, stories, plays, and screenplays all by the unique writer’s community at the Brooklyn Writers Space.

Contributors to The Reader are: **Paula Bernstein**Andrew Boyd**Donald Breckenridge**Danielle Durkin**Jennifer Cody Epstein**Matt Everett**Paul Feldman**Marian Fontana**Yvonne Garrett**Ezra Goldstein**Sharon Guskin**Drew Haxby**Mark Jacobson**Martin Kleinman**Michael Lazan**Edmund Lee**Marcia Lerner**Lorraine Martindale**Robin Messing**Joan Minieri**Honor Molloy**Rosemary Moore**Wendy Ponte**Dominic Preziosi**Elyse Schein**Martha Schwendener**Josh Sohn**Rachael Stark**Albert Stern**Paul Takeuchi**Alex Tilney**Rachel Urquhart**

Verso of Cassiopeia #1

All the emblematic images Cornell assembles in his art are shadows, numinous fragments, or an unattainable wholeness. When Ondine, the water nymph, lived in her original home, she was at one with herelf and her native element. Then, drawn by love into the air and the light of ordinary day, she saw her shadow for the first time. She fell, like Eve, into knowledge.